Blind girl story time!

In today's post, I'll be talking about an experience that I'd never faced until last week. My partner, who lives and works in Birmingham, was coming down for a couple of days. So I thought it would be nice to plan a fun activity. Knowing that there's an ice rink in the next town over…

Is sight loss an old person’s disability?

The short and simple answer to this is no. Sure, some conditions are much more likely to occur in older age but sight loss is something that can and does affect people of all ages. Some conditions are genetic, meaning a mutation in fetuses' genes results in visual impairment or blindness and some people lose…

Is it ok to be gay?

So it's been almost two months since I last uploaded. The reason for this is lack of inspiration but mainly procrastination which, given my current situation, having way to much time on my hands for my own good, isn't really logical. But that's where the lack of inspiration comes in. In regards to writing, I'm…